It might surprise you to know that the person credited with being the most influential individual in the recovery of Japan's industrial economy after the second world war (and the subsequent "economic miracle" that his philosophies inspired) was not Japanese, but in fact American.
W. Edwards Deming was, among other things, a quality control expert who brought his successful philosophies from the Ford Motor Company to Japan. His expertise paved the way for Japan to emerge as an economic superpower after the war.
Deming's expertise was both wide and deep. While I won't get into his philosophies in detail, I will recount one of them I learned from him that has stuck with me to this day.
Here it is:
###The way you achieve quality is not with better metrics, but by giving ownership of quality to those people who are in the best position to provide it.
The way you achieve quality is not with better metrics, but by giving ownership of quality to those people who are in the best position to provide it.
What does that mean? It means that, while leadership is very important, it must be tempered with knowledge, the kind of knowledge that only the people in the trenches can provide.
It means that, if you want the truth, you don't ask your company's leadership; you ask the line workers who have to put together the damn thing. They'll tell you the truth; they'll tell you about the problems in the supply line that prevent products from being assembled correctly. They'll tell you that the doors don't fit. They'll tell you when management cares more about their metrics than about the folks on the assembly line whose efforts keep them employed.
It means that you don't throw the people who made you successful under the bus.
So what am I saying? I'm saying that, if you are a decision maker at Stack Exchange, but you haven't used your own product, your perspective is already compromised.
Stack Overflow is a programmer community. One of its most influential thinkers is Bob Martin, creator of the SOLID Principles. Bob once said (and I'm paraphrasing):
If you are an architect, you must spend time coding in the system that you're architecting. Otherwise, you will never be fully effective as an architect, because you'll never fully understand the pain you are inflicting on others.
The practice of using one's own product is so ingrained in our occupation that we have our own term for it: eating your own dog food.
So use your product. Get to know one of the communities that you have an interest in. Participate. Moderate. Understand the passions, the successes, the pain points of that community. Achieve enlightenment. Then you will be in a better position to govern.