Perhaps a specially designed closure message for these occurrences would be an ideal solution? I say this because the keyword of Stack Overflow in 2019 is *Welcoming""Welcoming", so a new user getting a flurry of downvotes and their question on the main site, then using this feature in a rather poor/not the intended way to have the process repeated on Meta too would not be very welcoming.
Yes the closure message is "Unclear what you're asking" and we all know it is unclear but maybe it can be more specific to the situation as it is pretty obvious when someone is using this feature (<5 rep or it contains some text along the lines of "I have a question about my Stack Overflow post).
The message could be something like (my rather poor attempt)
Here on Meta Stack Overflow we do not answer technical questions, we answer questions about the Main site e.g. The workings or questions themselves. Please provide more clarification on what question you have about your Stack Overflow question such as why was it downvoted/closed? and/or how can I improve it to meet our quality standards?
This could also have some links to the help centre like the current unclear closure message (e.g. the How to ask page) and the What's Meta page.
I think this could be useful is it gives them an insight as to why it was closed without the need for clicking the help links (which I think we all know most people don't open them).