I find it unfortunate that the desire for more relevant questions that was voiced in the answers was ignored and not considered part of "core Q&A". StackOverflowStack Overflow is lacking good ways for users to search for questions they consider to be relevant.
Currently, I have three only three ways to classify a tag. It's either "watched tag", "normal tag" or "ignored tag". It would be possible to have more classification levels to allow users filter better for questions they consider to be interesting.
Among experienced users it seems to me like there are people who want to help newcomers and others that don't enjoy answering questions by newcomers. If StackOverflowStack Overflow would give a new privelegeprivilege for users that have reached 5000 reputation to filter out all posts by users with less then 50 reputation from the front page, they would find more questions that they like to engage with. They would also engage in less downvoting of newcomers without providing comments.
That said, I do consider reputation to be valuable. I like to be able to raise the visibility of one of my questions by adding a bounty to the question. I like the privelegeprivilege to be able to edit without the need for approval and to be able to see deleted questions and answers.