I simply don't understand why this question is getting a treatment like this.
The question is highly upvoted (1348) which means that a lot of SO users have found it useful.
The highest upvoted answer is at 2007 which means that a lot of SO users found it useful.
The question/answer is 10 years old and now a single meta-post causes multiple edits and close of the question. A few meta-users overrules what so many other users have had to say about the question. IMO that's ridicules.
A summary of its problems:
It was titled "Parsing values from a JSON file?", which made it a gigantic click magnet.
Not a problem. The question is about parsing a JSON file so the title is correct. That the title is a "gigantic click magnet" is perfectly fine. Good that SO is on top of search list.
The "JSON" data is actually invalid, but this isn't obvious at first glance
Not a problem. A good answer can simply explain that. Further, since it isn't obvious that it's invalid json, many users may benefit for learning about that non-obvious error. Maybe that's exactly what the voting shows.
The OP included a piece of code that - supposedly - parses the JSON and "prints all of it". This clearly isn't true, as the data isn't valid JSON, so in reality the code throws an Exception.
Not a problem. It's just the same as above... "your code doesn't work because your json file has a non-obvious error. The error is ..." would be a fine answer.
The OP asked "How can I parse the file and extract single values?", which is terribly unclear (what "single values" are they trying to extract?).
Can't see how that can be difficult to understand. OP want's to know how to access "maps" /"masks"/etc. and how to access what is inside "maps"/"masks"/etc. Both the accepted and other answers seem to address that so that was not "terribly unclear" to them either.
What should we do about this question?
Nothing- except perhaps reverting the edits caused by this meta.