I still see today that there is some misinformation at w3schoolsW3Schools that confuses coders.
For example, such confusion surfaced in this question. At the time of writing this, w3schoolsW3Schools explains what happens when you assign a string property to a JavaScript array as follows:
If you use named indexes, JavaScript will redefine the array to a standard object.
Compare this to what MDN has on the topic:
Arrays cannot use strings as element indexes (as in an associative array) but must use integers. Setting or accessing via non-integers using bracket notation (or dot notation) will not set or retrieve an element from the array list itself, but will set or access a variable associated with that array's object property collection. The array's object properties and list of array elements are separate, and the array's traversal and mutation operations cannot be applied to these named properties.
But MDN is also not perfect
In another question it surfaced that MDN's page on "strict mode" has/had a code snippet with a comment that is misleading some readers:
First, strict mode makes it impossible to accidentally create global variables. In normal JavaScript mistyping a variable in an assignment creates a new property on the global object and continues to "work" (although future failure is possible: likely, in modern JavaScript). Assignments, which would accidentally create global variables, instead throw an error in strict mode:
'use strict'; // Assuming a global variable mistypedVariable exists mistypeVariable = 17; // this line throws a ReferenceError due to the // misspelling of variable
... The "Assume" part in the comments is of course not conditional to the error being thrown. They should just have added an example declaration like this:
'use strict'; var mistypedVariable; /* ... */ // Because of the spelling mistake mistypeVariable = 17; // this line references a variable that was not // defined and throws a ReferenceError
Except for the authoritative text itself (the ECMA-262 standard) it should be no surprise that other (more accessible) texts will at times be less accurate or even plain wrong. Earlier spotted mistakes have been corrected over time. Those that have a wiki-like update mechanism get fixed sooner, but are also vulnerable to temporary glitches.
One should be always careful in relying on one source only.