I agree that to me [restful-url]restful-url doesn't make any sense. I invalidate it in two ways.
No questions asked
What are the questions which are specific to [restful-url]restful-url which are not related to [rest]rest or [http]http? I can look at http://acme.com/api/v2/foo and say it's a RESTful URL. Fine. (Actually no, but see second point.) However, what questions am I going to ask about the "RESTful URL"? The questions are either about the URL itself, and then it's a generic URL question. Or the questions are about actually using the URL, or the interaction of the usage with parts of the URL, like path parameters and versions. But then these questions are [http]http questions or [rest]rest questions.
What does it even mean?
Also, a URL cannot be RESTful, an API can be RESTful, so what does "restful URL" even mean? Sure, we say that to actually mean "URL of a RESTful API". Back to "No questions asked".
Do we have tags for synonyms?