As far as I can remember, a question can be moved to a StackExchangeStack Exchange site it suits better and there are sites both for questions about relationships and about careers (which would probably close "How do I get a boyfriend?" and "How do I establish contact with recruiters at software company X?" as too broad and too specific respectively, however).
This has happened to me a number of times when my questions (not nearly "blatantly offtopic"off-topic", but suiting the subject of another site better) were migrated this way and that was how I've discovered a couple of particular StackExchangeStack Exchange sites.
IMHO, this should be the first thing one should consider doing to an off-topic question - check if there is a site it could suit better and migrate it there perhaps. And for cases that don't suit any of the existing sites subjects, I would rather introduce a special "everything else" site.
The "Off-topic" close reason makes sense to exist, but it may happen that many people may probably tend to abuse it instead of bothering about migration.