IIf you already have steward gold badge in the close review queue; Iqueue, you do not care much about review queue stats and amyou are disappointed with the close review queue because in many cases SE just agesage away myyour review time (too many questions, too few reviewers);, its structure is inefficient and it is lacking the filters Iyou would like.
So weWe (community members) have developed a bot, SOCVFinder that allows you to help out the peeps in the review queue avoiding that also their time in the queue is aged away.
With the bot, you can filter out questions on tag, number of close votes already present on question (review question with already 4cv that are aging away), score, no roomba (hence not reviewing questions that will be deleted anyway), no answers etc and you can open (load) all the questions contemporary in multiple tabs.
The bot, Queen is present in different chat rooms (since it also feeds possible duplicates to gold badge hammers) but its home is SOBotics chat. Feel free to drop in and run your own September batch.
If you are an RO in a chat room and like to have a duplicate feed or simply the possibility to run batches in the room, just let us know and we can make the bee enter.
Affiliation: I'm one of the developers of the bot and an RO of the SOBotics chat room.