It's not a good answer, but it is an answer. This is similar to the following example from Your answer is in another castle: when is an answer not an answer?:
See, this is an answer:
You probably want a
Don't get me wrong, it's still a bad answer...
Your example is very much like that (though I'd say not quite as bad as that). It boils down to "Use a CNN," a suggestion to read up on recent lane detection projects and academic papers, and a recommendation that the OP get a GPU card and start training (training because CNN stands for "convolutional neural network").
That's definitely an answer, just not a very good one. I'm not qualified to judge the question, but it doesn't seem like a good question, so just not answering, voting to close, and moving on would probably be useful. If it's an okay question, then providing some reasoning behind why CNN would be a good choice, perhaps citing a couple of those academic papers, etc., would strengthen it a lot. (The answerer ended up doing some of that in a follow-on comment.)