There are several options. One is to limit your search scope to a single tag and use a TOP with a reasonable number.
Here is a queryquery where I applied that technique.
select top 100 as [Post Link]
from posts p
inner join posttags pt on pt.postid =
inner join tags t on = pt.tagid
where t.tagname = ##tagname:string?javascript##
and body like '%##body##%' collate sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_ai
Other options are to limit on the creationdate
(use a BETWEEN statement).
Don't forget that SEDE has an option to include the execution plan (the query needs to run or alternatively use the set showplan_all on
You can apply SQL Server statement tuning techniques to improve the performance of the query.
There is a known issue with the Magic Link Columns (like [Post Link]) that cause an out of resources error even for small resultsets. I have answered a similar question about that topic: Out-of-resources when trying to run a popular DataExplorer query with both an analysis of the root cause and offer a work around.