The thing that affronted me the most is not the accusations but the fact that he didn't bother to back himself up:
Too many people experience Stack Overflow as a hostile or elitist place, especially newer coders, women, people of color, and others in marginalized groups.
What the hell is he talking about?! I don't, and never have, felt SO as "unwelcoming", even when my posts get downvotes and/or are closed (and they still do occasionally). And I don't ever see the people I'm communicating with, so if they get discriminated, that absolutely must be something that I can see, not their race, gender or social status.
Then, based on these unbased and highly questionable claims, he's mandating us to do some serious change of course.
And there isn't even any feedback mechanism provided on the page, so I cannot even let them know how ridiculous this is!
Now, I wouldn't demand an apology for "insulting" anyone since that can be a humiliation for no clear reason (people can get "insulted" by anything really). But there's strong evidence that the posts's author did a sloppy job, and they can either acknowledge that in a mild manner, e.g. add a banner saying that the post has proven to be controversial and shouldn't be taken at face value / as official standpoint. Or just go the SO way and fix the problems in the post outright (we may even have a discussion about specifics).