To provide some context, I flagged this answer as NAA. I saw today that the flag was disputed, which I believe means no action will be taken. This was the first time I flagged a post, so please correct me if I am wrong with that. I am fairly confident this answer qualifies as NAA since rather than attempting to answer the question, it just points out a problem with an existing answer - again, correct me if I am wrong.
But that is not the point of this question, my question is with regards to whether the NAA flag was the correct one for me to use if I don't believe the answer should be deleted. According to the text under 'not an answer', the NAA flag means
This was posted as an answer, but does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, or deleted altogether.
However, I saw this answer to another question state that when a questionan answer is flagged NAA, it is sent to the Low Quality Review Queue, where it is either marked Looks OkOK, or Deletion. When I flagged the question, I wanted it to be moved as a comment to the answer it was responding to, not outright deleted.
Was the NAA flag the correct flag to use if I do not believe the answer should be outright deleted, or should I have used "Needs moderator attention" so I can describe the situation?
If the NAA flag is the correct one to use, then is there any way I can indicate why I flagged it and what I believe is the best solution, or should I trust that the people who will review it will have a better understanding than I of what to do with the answer?