There are different ways you can go depending on what type of question it is:
Practical Questions
For example, how do I do X with library Y. Or "Can someone tell me why this code doesn't work/produce output Z". Basically every question that is answered by a bunch of code and an explanation to it.
In this case, it's your task to try out the answers in the question and evaluate which one is correct. If you then have any follow-up questions, feel free to ask them.
Theoretical/Conceptual Questions
Like: "What does the fourth row in a transformation matrix do?", "What is the mathematical concept behind XYZ?".
In this case it might be really hard (or impossible) to evaluate the answers yourself since trying them out is not an option. For such questions, I would go and ask a new question in the form of:
While reading the question "Why are smurfs blue?", I stumbled over two answers which in my opinion contradict each other:
While answer A (link) states that it is a chemical reaction to their environment, answer B claims that it's in their DNA. I think that only one of the answers can be true because of blablabla.
Can someone explain me how both of them can be true, or point out which one is the correct answer?
But please make sure that you did your research here and that you have a strong point in why the answers contradict.