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Vadim Kotov
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spelling, grammar, don't format quotes as code
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Paul Roub
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Is it compulsarycompulsory to produce a (MinimalMinimal, Complete, and Verifiable example)Example?

I just now asked a JSJavaScript question and it's being downvoted for not being able to provide a (Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example)Example.

I am new to JSJavaScript and the js.js file already contains 35k lines. I find myself unable to create a minimum, verifiable example.

I have read majorly all answers on this topic and spent hours trying them but it was marked duplicate, I understand that it's a high probablityprobability of syntax/logical/functional error on my part. But sometimes bcozbecause of niche experts here they can just look at the snippet and tell what might have gone wrong.

Like I was expecting there might be some syntax errorsyntax error which I am overlooking, some conceptual errorconceptual error. Comments like looks fine it should work, there should be some error in your code. this doesn't work with document"looks fine it should work, there should be some error in your code", "this doesn't work with document" could have helped.

I updated my answer to mention the login"login" page which I am suspectingsuspect could be the issue, but it seems to have been ignored. Just a strick "MVC"strict "MCVE". So is it requirdrequired 100% or the question is to be closed. ?

Is it compulsary to produce a (Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example)

I just now asked a JS question and it's being downvoted for not being able to provide a (Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example).

I am new to JS and the js file already contains 35k lines. I find myself unable to create a minimum, verifiable example.

I have read majorly all answers on this topic and spent hours trying them but it was marked duplicate, I understand that it's a high probablity of syntax/logical/functional error on my part. But sometimes bcoz of niche experts here they can just look at the snippet and tell what might have gone wrong.

Like I was expecting there might be some syntax error which I am overlooking, some conceptual error. Comments like looks fine it should work, there should be some error in your code. this doesn't work with document could have helped.

I updated my answer to mention the login page which I am suspecting could be the issue, but it seems ignored. Just a strick "MVC". So is it requird 100% or the question is to be closed. ?

Is it compulsory to produce a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example?

I just now asked a JavaScript question and it's being downvoted for not being able to provide a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example.

I am new to JavaScript and the .js file already contains 35k lines. I find myself unable to create a minimum, verifiable example.

I have read majorly all answers on this topic and spent hours trying them but it was marked duplicate, I understand that it's a high probability of syntax/logical/functional error on my part. But sometimes because of niche experts here they can just look at the snippet and tell what might have gone wrong.

Like I was expecting there might be some syntax error which I am overlooking, some conceptual error. Comments like "looks fine it should work, there should be some error in your code", "this doesn't work with document" could have helped.

I updated my answer to mention the "login" page which I suspect could be the issue, but it seems to have been ignored. Just a strict "MCVE". So is it required 100% or the question is to be closed?

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Is it compulsary to produce a (Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example)

I just now asked a JS question and it's being downvoted for not being able to provide a (Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example).

I am new to JS and the js file already contains 35k lines. I find myself unable to create a minimum, verifiable example.

I have read majorly all answers on this topic and spent hours trying them but it was marked duplicate, I understand that it's a high probablity of syntax/logical/functional error on my part. But sometimes bcoz of niche experts here they can just look at the snippet and tell what might have gone wrong.

Like I was expecting there might be some syntax error which I am overlooking, some conceptual error. Comments like looks fine it should work, there should be some error in your code. this doesn't work with document could have helped.

I updated my answer to mention the login page which I am suspecting could be the issue, but it seems ignored. Just a strick "MVC". So is it requird 100% or the question is to be closed. ?