I've never seen idownvotedbecau.se before this meta post. I think it's written very nicelyNicely, and has useful content. I may link to it on those few occasions where a user is engaged and truly wants to improve.
That said, I don't think I like the feature request - adding more user panels, particularly to something as simple as a downvote feels like unnecessary noise added to what should be a simple process.
But I do like the content, and I think it should be easy to link to. Consequently, I recommend that common reasons to downvote be added to the 'magic' links (called shorthand links on the markdown help page). Obviously, Stack Overflow Overflow wouldn't magic-link to content they don't host, so they'd need to (get Will's permission and) move idownvotedbecau.se's content into the help center.
This makes downvote reasons a part of Stack Overflow's Overflow's help area, it gives downvoters the ability to easily post a link to well-written explanations for common problems, and it doesn't intrude any extra UI elements on a downvote. (As an added bonus, it doesn't really take any substantial time from Stack Overflow Overflow developers.)
This does lose one benefit of idownvotedbecau.se - the community ownership of these downvote reasons. If these pages do get swallowed by Stack Overflow Overflow, it will not be nearly as easy to add new content.