You mention in the comments that you do want quality standards, and you agree they're needed. Great! We're on the same page there.
Now, let's take a look one of your points:
I think that 3000 reputation points should not be enough to vote to close or migrate. In fact, no amount in itself should give such moderation rights. There should also be a condition or constraint on the clusters the user belongs to. If a user only answers PHP questions, then they have no right to label a question being discussed by machine learning researchers as off-topic.
You have a fair reason to feel this way. Indeed, reputation on the site is no guarantee someone is an expert in everything on the site. Reputation is not a guarantee of expertise in any way, just of familiarity with the site.
This is why I feel the current privilege is good.
First and foremost, no one can close a question by themselves unless they are a moderator or they have a gold tag badge in the topic and are closing as a duplicate. Otherwise, no matter who you are, you must have 4 other people agree with you before the post will be closed. If the closing of posts was unilateral for anyone at that reputation level, I would be 100% on board with fixing that in some way.
###We don't want to make communities harder to clean up.
Additionally, requiring score in a tag severely limits how clean smaller tags can be. Let's, for example, take the machine-learning community and look at it. Currently, there is one user with the gold badge for that tag. If we limit closing to users with at least a gold badge, this and many other small tags would quickly become filled with trash and low-quality content. Elected mods and the few users who could close in these tags would not be able to keep up with the tide.
So, what about silver tag badges? Well, there are 8 users with that badge for the same community, so a bit better... But I would bet that would still be hard to keep up with. However, there are still plenty of tags that only have 1 or 2 users with the silver badge. If questions only have small tags on them, they will require one or two users and moderators to clean up.
Even bronze tag badges present this problem. Also consider how hard cleaning up tags for new technologies would be! It'd be a long time before anyone would have these badges or even a small amount of score in those tags, let alone enough people to reliably moderate the tag.
###Not every close reason needs domain expertise.
Personally, I feel like a lot of our close reasons can be applied, in most cases, by users without immediate domain experience. Let's take a look:
- Questions seeking debugging help ("why isn't this code working?")
must include the desired behavior, a specific problem or error and
the shortest code necessary to reproduce it in the question itself.
Questions without a clear problem statement are not useful to other
readers. See: How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable
In most cases, it's very easy for an outsider to know if a post has the desired behaviour and a specific problem or error just from reading the question. The shortest code necessary is usually pretty obvious for questions that fit this close reason, as well. If you're staring at several thousand lines of code, it's most definitely not an MVCE. For most scenarios, I don't see domain experience being required for this close reason.
- Questions about a problem that can no longer be reproduced or that
was caused by a simple typographical error. While similar questions
may be on-topic here, these are often resolved in a manner unlikely
to help future readers. This can often be avoided by identifying and
closely inspecting the shortest program necessary to reproduce the
problem before posting.
This close reason is usually, in my experience, used in one of a couple ways: Domain experts try and cannot reproduce the error, the OP admits they can no longer reproduce the error, or domain experts (or even other novice users of the topic) scan the code and find a typo or missing character that breaks the code. While this close reason does often require domain experience, I don't often see it used by outsiders unless the OP says they cannot reproduce the error.
- Questions asking for homework help must include a summary of the
work you've done so far to solve the problem, and a description of
the difficulty you are having solving it.
This one isn't a close reason, but we don't do homework for people. If a question looks like homework, we just expect it to follow these guidelines. We are here to help, not to code things for people.
- Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software
library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack
Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam.
Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve
Quite simply, we are not a search engine. If you want to find something online, there are countless ways to search for it. We won't do that for you. In most cases, it is incredibly easy to tell if someone runs afoul of this close reason. Your question, as Nicol said in his answer, was mistakenly closed as this. I myself thought it fit until I read it more carefully. It's a mistake that can be avoided by either paying closer attention on the part of the closers, or by rewording on the part of the OP. No amount of expertise restrictions will fix that.
- Questions about general computing hardware and software are
off-topic for Stack Overflow unless they directly involve tools used
primarily for programming.
Once again, most of the time, this doesn't require domain knowledge. I can 98/100 times tell if someone is asking for how to fix a tool that is not primarily for programming. If I'm unsure, I'll Google it or move on and let more knowledgeable people look. Even if others don't follow that rule, it still takes 5 votes to close a question, so I don't see it as a huge issue.
- Questions on professional server, networking, or related
infrastructure administration are off-topic for Stack Overflow
unless they directly involve programming or programming tools.
Pretty much the same explanation as above.
###On being more friendly to new users
Kindness is never a bad thing. Everyone deserves a friendly welcome, whether they get off on the wrong foot or not. I agree with this sentiment.
However, Stack Overflow gets so many questions a day that this really doesn't scale. We can't pop in to every new user's posts and say "Hey, welcome! Be sure to check out the rules! Oh, and your post falls short of x, y, and z on this page in the help center, there's advise how to fix it there!" reliably. Sure, we can all try, but for each of us that do, there are hundreds more who do not or are the new users. At the size of our site, there's really not much in the way of human actions we can do to fix this.
Even going through the first posts queue for reviews isn't a sure fire way of greeting new users. You only get a limited number of reviews. If you run out of those and try to go manually find these posts, you're either going to burn out quickly, or you're going to miss far more than you catch.
###In conclusion
I admire your goal of trying to help us help others fit in here. However, most of us do not see the "crushing of small communities" you speak of, and there are problems with your suggestions that I personally don't feel are outweighed by the benefits. At the least, we have something I haven't seen on any of the other online communities I've been on: The rules are presented to you in condensed form, with links to the full stuff, before you ask your first question. If you ignore those rules, there's not much we can do to make you go read them.
A site the size of Stack Overflow will never be perfect in terms of being kind and welcoming. There just aren't enough people to volunteer to police the site. All we can do is each try to be polite and helpful to new users without burning out ourselves.