The reason why manyMany questions receive downvotes isbecause of the lack of effort of effort put into the diagnoses of the issue at handissue at hand.
I cancould blindly post a code here and ask: "why doesn't this work" inwork?", with whatever polite grammar you'dphrasing you like to have it and, but that won't change the fact still remains that the issue at hand is a simple search query. This is what most questions are like in my expertise tags contains.
If I writewrote code I test, tested it line-by-line by line and function by function and Iso as to know exactly what is happening with the code. If I, and thenstill can'tcouldn't figure it out on how to do this a good waysolve the problem, I'd ask a question about it. However, questions like this is a irregularityare uncommon on Stack Overflow.
If you diagnose the issue and, know what is happening and you, have an example output to your code and still you are still unable to fix it, I have no issue up votingupvoting the question. It shows you have done your research and have shownput effort into makingwriting a clear and solid question.
But noHowever, for example people will often just dive into php and using a library (such as laravel or symfony) without understanding how the base language really works and are unawareor knowing what array'sarrays are. If you don't know you are using a library or even understandingunderstand the basic structure of programming, is this site really the best place to ask repetitive questions?
I'm asking because I cannot think of a specific issue in my expertise that is unanswered here on this site. When was the last time you read a question that shows the actual "mcve"MCVE and shows debugging output, the data you needneeded to quickly resolve the issue quickly?
Nowadays I find most questions laziness, the unwillingnesslazy; they are asked by people unwilling to findlook for an answer and who most importantly they have never heard of testing a code. They They blindly copy and paste code and expect us to fix it for 'emthem.
That is where I draw the line,. I try to be helpfulhelpful; but if I need to put more effort into a comment thenthan an answer, it just shows how lazy people are. And even if I did answer the question, there is a huge chance that their laziness would result in an unvoted and unmarked answer, because they only care about themselves, they wouldn't upvote or accept an answer.
To close this off you have to reverseIn conclusion: let's revisit the question, "Can someone help me?”". Sure we can. However, does that respondresult in a positive search engine query? Does it help the site in the long run, having 300m questions with the same title? Or is it maybe your psychiatrist you want help from? Yes, a lot of time has been spend on creating that title, about the same time for anyoneas long as it takes someone else to push thatclick the down vote button.