It's not encouraged.
If it's a verbatim copy of another answer without attribution, and there isthe answer has no worthwhile content except forvalue of its own if you remove all the plagiarizedcopy-pasted stuff:
Flag for moderator attention (custom flag, "plagiarism from...")
Add a friendly comment explaining that copying & pasting without attribution is not encouraged on Stack Overflow, and that they should add content of their own even when using other people's work as reference. Posting this link can help.
Especially with new members, it's important to comment politely. Chances are they didn't mean any harm; there are different attitudes toward plagiarism across cultures.
On the other hand, if you feel like a bit of plagiarism-hunting, where there is one instance of plagiarism, there's often more. Here's a FAQ page with helpful tips what to do when discovering plagiarism.
If the case is less clear - for example, the answer still adds value even if you remove all the plagiarized content - you can fix the situation by yourself by editing in a reference, replacing the copied content by a link, and/or adding a comment giving the author advice for the future.