##Too long, won't read
Too long, won't read
##The chaotic money machine
The chaotic money machine
An entrepreneur has an idea usually. He wants to start a company. A business is like the steam machine like you don’t know how this works. You start up a business. You're like, "Oh, if I tweak this knob, I think money comes out."
If I adjust the screw or like maybe make the pulley or something tighter like more money will come out. That's the first couple of years and then after a little while, you're like, "Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute." Two knobs. What happens then like, "Holy shit. Wow. ..." Then, you're like, "Wow, man. I kind of get this stuff. This is kind of cool." Now, I'm going to start thinking big like Richard Branson big. You start learning about key performance indicators like my KPIs are all like knobs. I'm like him but knobs on top of knobs and I've got knobs down here and then like bam.
Things go wrong when that original entrepreneur, the creative guy, says,
"You know what? I deserve a break. I'm going to delegate now. The business is running itself. I can sort of like step back a little bit. Hands off."
##Pasta on the wall
Pasta on the wall
##Trust us: we think we don't know what we're doing
Trust us: we think we don't know what we're doing
##Finally, the answer to your question: has Documentation failed?
Finally, the answer to your question: has Documentation failed?
##In closing