I've been trying to keep the PHP list of Topics clean. A common issue I'm seeing (and removing) are Topics that are just too localized (i.e. tutorials on how to perform some highly specific taskhow to perform some highly specific task), but there's another trend I'm seeing: new topics made that should be examples or belong in a different tagnew topics made that should be examples or belong in a different tag. That last one (assuming it should exist at all) really belongs under PHPUnitPHPUnit tag, but there is a Unit TestingUnit Testing Topic as well. That last user also created a second Topiccreated a second Topic that should have been part of the first Topic. I can't blame him too much. The interface didn't try to stop him or offer guidance.
PHP has over 100 Topics (Android has 233 as of right now). Is there anything that can be done to discourage users from making new Topics? Or can we shunt people to either creating Examples or a different Tag? Something like how asking a question tries to match it up to an existing question.