The way I see it, there are three paths forward for this flag:
- Remove the flag entirely.
- Use it as a quality indicator for kicking things into review, and completely hide it from moderators.
- Change the nature or action that the flag represents.
I've spoken in favor of hiding it from moderators before. These flags were never clearly used, and when only moderators could handle them we declined a ton of them. The primary use case at that time was for complete trash questions that needed to be deleted immediately.
Then the various review queues kicked in and community members could act on these flags. Flags now send things into review, where there are more actions than just delete. That increases the confusion, because moderators are strict about theseare strict about these and we've been told to handle them as we always have, but many community members are using these to label items that might be of low quality but don't require immediate moderator intervention.
If the flags were completely hidden from moderators, then this would form a closed loop with community review and perhaps the actions on the flag would come closer to what people expect. However, the review queues are currently unable to process these as quickly as they are coming in, which is why moderators frequently handle them. Perhaps reducing the number of reviews required to delete a post in these queues would help with this.
Others have suggested possibly converting it from its current nature to a super-downvote (can't find a relevant request now), where X number of these on a downvoted post led to deletion. I'd need to think that through a bit more to make sure that this couldn't be abused, and this would require developer time to implement and test.
My above suggestion about hiding these from moderators would require little change, I've already seen that review handles these posts surprisingly well, and the only obstacle would be making sure the queues can handle the volume.