JustI just wanted to share how I envision a stackoverflowStack Overflow documentation.
How to contribute to a documentation topic?
Everything about stackoverflowStack Overflow is questions / answers, and it's great. Why not use the same thing for documentation?
CommunityThe community answer nearly got it right, except for the fact that it suppressed all the reputation... With a little tweak it could be great. For example, let's say that you have a topic that you want documentation on, you would do :
- Create a documentation topic : likeLike a normal question except that the documentation result will be put in the question body
- Let people answer this question like they would do normally and earn reputation for their answer.
- Then take all the good part in the answers provided and build the documentation answer (directly in the question body)
Just take a moment to consider how hard it is to contribute to an unknown tag with the current documentation system compare to this one above. You could now start a topic about anything, a good topic would receive points and a bad topic would fall into oblivion, exactly like QAQ&A.
Next you need organization
Being able to start a documentation topic about anything is a great start, but to get something useful you need to be able to organize them. Whether I want to build a quick tutorial or a reference manual, I will need a way to organize the topics in a logical order.
The current system is very lacking on that front. We need to be able to organize the topics how we want. It could be as simple as a side menu for all the topics that are linked together.
So, a "documentation" would just be a group of ordered documentation topictopics, and you could create many "documentations" to address many different needs.