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How many books the user read has no impact how prototypal inheritance works in JS, and as @madara-uchiha puts it “The visitor from Google coming to read a question and its answer doesn't care [how many books you read]”: off topic How to better understand Coffeescript/JavaScript mixins?How to better understand Coffeescript/JavaScript mixins?

immaterial, off topic What format should I convert my home video to for web and mobile?What format should I convert my home video to for web and mobile?

off topic: Visitor from google didn’t come for wry scatological humor. How would I translate this C# code into PHP?How would I translate this C# code into PHP?

off topic, politically charged, and specifically hostile towards women. The trifecta!

user's intellectual capacity is off topic Can anybody explain OAuth?Can anybody explain OAuth?

Visitor from google doesn’t care how long you searched, they just want the answer AWS ec2 SSH permission denied (publickey)AWS ec2 SSH permission denied (publickey)

wat? 100k views, no moderator cleanup. Flash CS4 refuses to let goFlash CS4 refuses to let go

How many books the user read has no impact how prototypal inheritance works in JS, and as @madara-uchiha puts it “The visitor from Google coming to read a question and its answer doesn't care [how many books you read]”: off topic How to better understand Coffeescript/JavaScript mixins?

immaterial, off topic What format should I convert my home video to for web and mobile?

off topic: Visitor from google didn’t come for wry scatological humor. How would I translate this C# code into PHP?

off topic, politically charged, and specifically hostile towards women. The trifecta!

user's intellectual capacity is off topic Can anybody explain OAuth?

Visitor from google doesn’t care how long you searched, they just want the answer AWS ec2 SSH permission denied (publickey)

wat? 100k views, no moderator cleanup. Flash CS4 refuses to let go

How many books the user read has no impact how prototypal inheritance works in JS, and as @madara-uchiha puts it “The visitor from Google coming to read a question and its answer doesn't care [how many books you read]”: off topic How to better understand Coffeescript/JavaScript mixins?

immaterial, off topic What format should I convert my home video to for web and mobile?

off topic: Visitor from google didn’t come for wry scatological humor. How would I translate this C# code into PHP?

off topic, politically charged, and specifically hostile towards women. The trifecta!

user's intellectual capacity is off topic Can anybody explain OAuth?

Visitor from google doesn’t care how long you searched, they just want the answer AWS ec2 SSH permission denied (publickey)

wat? 100k views, no moderator cleanup. Flash CS4 refuses to let go

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The don't call it the "edit" button for nothing

Many here are saying things to the effect of: "@meager's decision was objective: there are rules against off-topic content and he was enforcing them." I disagree that his actions were nothing more than "objectively enforcing the rules."

To wit: I see his choice to remove this particular piece of OT content as editorializing, i.e. changing the content to reflect or protect a certain viewpoint.

Just as a newspaper editor's choices of which stories to run and which to drop is a reflection of their views, moderators' choices of which "off-topic" content to remove reflects their views. The fact that this 9 word comment was singled out for removal among the sea of off-topic content on SO says volumes about the values of the moderating team here (I'm not going to single out @meager as he seems to have the support of the whole team).

My point? Stop trying to pretend this decisions was a mechanical application of a set of clear-cut instructions! It was EDITORIALIZING.

We can disagree about whether this was a good editorial judgement call, but claiming there was no judgement call at all is just baloney. You made a decision: own it!!

"objectively enforcing site rules" "that's always how it is"

I do not believe these rules are universally & evenly applied. Here's a few examples of off-topic content that mods saw fit to leave intact:

I preface this by saying my Javascript experience is very weak. Lots of jQuery, very little real comprehension.

How many books the user read has no impact how prototypal inheritance works in JS, and as @madara-uchiha puts it “The visitor from Google coming to read a question and its answer doesn't care [how many books you read]”: off topic How to better understand Coffeescript/JavaScript mixins?

“I am recording video for my church…

immaterial, off topic What format should I convert my home video to for web and mobile?

I was handed an software doc (or what passes for proper documentation nowadays). Much to my chagrin, it might as well have been gently used piece of toilet paper from the men's room.

off topic: Visitor from google didn’t come for wry scatological humor. How would I translate this C# code into PHP?

This leads to an interesting question: "Is :kate_upton an object?" Yes, :kate_upton has been objectified in Ruby (as well as other places), but your feminist friends may not want to hear that. They may, however, mellow out if you let them know that everything in Ruby are equally objects (except blocks, and a few other things)

off topic, politically charged, and specifically hostile towards women. The trifecta!

I hired a guy to finish everything concerning s3, but he does not know how to download file.

Your employee relationships are not relevant to the question, off topic

That idiot being me

user's intellectual capacity is off topic Can anybody explain OAuth?

First of all, yes i have searched this site for answers. I have searched for HOURS.

Visitor from google doesn’t care how long you searched, they just want the answer AWS ec2 SSH permission denied (publickey)

My cursor fell upon the "Empty Trash" menu option like the cold lid of a casket.

I don't think Flash ever recovered. To this day it still clings to the memory of Jenine. Her old, imperfect definitions still float through my project like abandoned ghosts. Whenever I force Flash to compile, it still lovingly inserts her into my movie, nestling her definition in amongst the other, living classes, like a small shrine. I wonder if they can see her.

wat? 100k views, no moderator cleanup. Flash CS4 refuses to let go

"...did you ever catch all the fish?"

Of course not: I understand that mods will not catch everything and must pick their battles. This is precisely why I wonder, why did mods choose to pick this particular battle, and not any of those above?

content warning: the following few lines contains snark:

I ran some analysis on naomik's comment and the results were shattering:

$ echo "This would've been easier if I was a boy" | wc -w

The comment is a total of 9 words. Compare that to the Flash novella above. Why was the 9 word comment singled out and that one left alone? "The mods just missed it..." With 100k+ views? I don't think so. Mods definitely saw that post & decided to leave it alone. The bizarre girlfriend narrative made the story humorous but to claim it was necessary in relating the question would be ridiculous: it obfuscated more than it clarified & served no purpose but humor.

So why was naomik's 9 word comment (prefacing her ludicrously technically detailed answer) singled out?

Feelings... nothing more than feelings

  • Q: Why was this post singled out for editing on the grounds of "off-topicness" and not others?
  • A: Because this one gently calls attention to sexism, and that might hurt someone's feelings.

The post was edited to protect someone's feelings. But who's?

  • Q: Who is going to be offended by a comment poking fun at someone for assuming only "guys" answer questions on SO?
  • A: Insecure and/or sexist men.

Conclusion: All posts are handled equally. Some are just handled more equally than others.

If all OT content was handled equally, I wouldn't have been able to easily find so many examples (see above). The OT content rule is flexible, subjective, and very much up to the Mods' discretions.

@meager & the Mod team chose to invoke the "off-topic content" rule to remove a comment that might have been offensive to men who don't want to think about implicit sexist language. They do not remove all instances of "guys" across SO because the gendered language isn't the issue to them: the issue was that someone pointed it out, and pointing out this pervasive aspect of the SO culture might hurt some men's feelings. Sad!