We all know the situation, new users don't understand that Stack Overflow Overflow is not a forum. Therefore if someone asks a question and the question misses relevant information someone will post a comment asking to add information x/y/z.
The common approach of new users is to answer that comment and "misuse" the comment for adding new and large (unformatted and hard-to-read) information.
Afterwards an experienced SOStack Overflow user will post a comment saying something like "Please edit your question instead of posting those info in a comment.":
"Please edit your question instead of posting those info in a comment.".
IMHO it would be better if SOStack Overflow would automatically show such a hint to a questioner, while writing a comment on her/his own question that exceeds a specific length (e.g. 100 characters?).
From my point of view this would be like an integrated "tutorial", explaining the way how SOStack Overflow works (Q&AQ & A system vs. forum).