Lower the bar for instant edits and reviews based on tag size
Since the last update (Aug 4), those with silver and gold badges can skip reviews for their edits. However, small tags like boost-python have no such usershave no such users. As David Postill explained in an answer to the last update, this is a real obstacle to editing docs for small tags.
The bar for these powers could be lowered based on the total tag score (added up over all answers in a tag). For example:
- Up to 1k total tag score, edits and reviews are free for those with 25+ tag score.
- Up to 2k, the bar is 50.
- Up to 3k, the bar is 150.
- Up to 4k, the bar is 250.
- Up to 5k, the bar is 350.
- For 5001+, the bar is 400 (silver badge).