What I can do about this problem and more important, how we can prevent this? My topic was rejected, then it was copied with the same code and my image and approved.
Obviously, the system must be improved. Something that was rejected, the same was subsequently approved.
Someone just copied all my work, included my code and my image that I still have on my computer and posted them like is his own example.
In my activity I have this, but is not approved, and now the user that edited the draft had posted this. It can be an error from the website? http://stackoverflow.com/documentation/css/4258/outlines/15953/outline-style#t=201608011035071532272https://stackoverflow.com/documentation/css/4258/outlines/15953/outline-style#t=201608011035071532272
I don't want to contribute to the Documentation if someone can just reject my topic and then post them.
UPDATE: I accepted the answer because it seems the only action possible right now. I made a request until to post the question here, but I hoped it is a solution to prevent problems like mine.
That example was deleted and I submitted my example again.
I really hope this was an isolated incident.
Important: Please don't try to delete the example again and again. It was edited by that user again because he wanted to remove a link to https://jsfiddle.net/ (and points I suppose), but now it is my original example and it is no need to downvote it or remove it. Thank you! :)