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Jun 29, 2016 at 22:03 comment added Dbl @AlexeiLevenkov ok. i agree on NAA not applying. I guess distinguishing between Very low and low is subjective then. I read… about this. I guess i'm just a strict person
Jun 29, 2016 at 21:50 comment added Alexei Levenkov @Dbl - I would argue that there really almost nothing wrong with that answer from quality point of view - it answers the question, has sensible formatting and reasonable amount of explanation text. Whether it actually represent good practice or not does not change the fact it is answers the question and written reasonably (so neither of NAA/VLQ should apply).
Jun 29, 2016 at 20:58 comment added Dbl How are you distinguishing between low and very low? for me it is binary whether an answer is good or bad, the only thing inbetween is an effortless but correct answer. If the answer is so bad and missleading in concept that i am thinking "this person should not have answered at all" that's about as low quality to me as it gets. At least that is my view on it
Jun 29, 2016 at 20:23 comment added Servy @Dbl The answer is low quality. It's not very low quality, given the system's definition of those terms. But yes, for an answer to meet the standard of Very Low Quality it needs to also be not an answer, that's how low the quality needs to be for it to be considered very low quality.
Jun 29, 2016 at 20:21 comment added Dbl Ok. In that case it's just a semantic issue then. His answer is very low quality, but in this case the "very low quality"-flag does not mean what one might guess but "not an answer" instead. Thanks
Jun 29, 2016 at 17:37 history answered Servy CC BY-SA 3.0