I think that naming questions could run successfully on a separate site with different posting rules modeled after those at Code Golf.SEthose at Code Golf.SE:
questions on this site should have:
- A clear specification of what constitutes a correct submission, so that it is possible to indisputably decide whether an entry is valid or not...
- An objective primary winning criterion, so that it is possible to indisputably decide which entry should win.
I believe rules like above (if followed as firmly as at Code Golf) would prevent naming questions from degrading into opinion polls / guessing games.
Technically, an alternative could be setting such rules for "naming golf" questions right here, at Stack Overflow but I doubt that this will work. It failed for code golf questions at SO and I don't see how it wouldn't fail for naming ones.
...Which is not surprising if you think of it. Even if naming golf rules were somehow officially integrated into SO guidance, in the end of the day you will have a typical SO regular who is used and conditioned to see how things work in 99,9% typical SO coding problems come to see that 0.1% unusual naming golf only to get confused and frustrated why rules for these differ so drastically. This will be no fun.
(somewhat related: Thought experiment: What would happen if we didn't have close votes? "motivate building more appropriate place(s) for the kind of content that is good per se but has the only drawback of not fitting the Q/A model and norms of a particular site")