The link has been there for a long time in the Asking section. It is also a magical link. Adding [mcve]
to a comment will automatically add a link to that help page, as suggested in comments by NathanOliver. (also note you will need to add in more characters to fulfill the minimum required for a comment e.g. "please see [mcve]")
There is so much to remember on this site I keep the important things in one of the following forms.I would suggest:
Bookmarking it.
You can also make a gist of auto-comments and keep the link in those, so it's available for comments.
I also keep the links on my profile that I want to keep handy:
I also keep a text file of auto comments to paste, update and save when I visit a site.
Also, as pointed out in the comments by Elliott Frisch there is the Repository of useful pro-forma comments
There is also common_comments_box.user.js written by KevinKevin that can be used with Grease Monkey as suggested byPM 2Ring in the comments.
There is also Benjol/SE-AutoReviewComments written by BenjolBenjol (can be used with Grease Monkey, or as an extension, depending on browser/version).