YesNo, if someone is explicitly saying "please upvote my question" or an analogous request, then that is not alright.
On the other hand, if someone: (i) has a really good and useful question; (ii) on a topic that would help a lot of people; (iii) that is early in development, in active development, with little documentation; (iv) mentioning that if they thought the question was useful an upvote would help provide more learning resources for topic;
then I believe that should be tolerated on occasion. Especially if there are a high number of "favorites" on a question; suggesting that several people are interested in the question/answer and it's a useful resource for them.
People on YouTube ask for likes and subscriptions and obviously Stackexchange sites are vastly different and is not meant to be promoted that way. I feel that if there is an under-represented topic that is under active development and backed by a growing community; asking the reader to acknowledge that more attention to GOOD questions on the matter will provide more resources to learn from.
"My question is, what should I do if I face this kind of scenario? Should I edit / flag / leave the question alone and enjoy my beer, etc.?" If it is blatantly self-promoting, edit out the section and the reason why it was edited in the comments.
I'm probably going to get a lot of negative feedback in the comments but it's my honest answer to a debatable topic.