- Create an account (one click with Google)
- Ask a question (click the very prominent "Ask Question" button shown at the top of eveyevery page and click thruthrough the non-mandatory guidance text (forget about even taking a tour)
- Type a meaningless title like "HALP ME PLZ NOW" (the system does little to prevent this)
- Copy paste all your code and if you're being generous add the helpful problem statement "PLZ HALP ME CODE NO WORK I TRY EVERTING NEED BY TOMORROW"
- Click a suggested tag
- Click ask and get it published to the front page of the site and tag pages
Even the horrendous question above is likely to get answers. Eager answeredanswerers motivated by reputation and positive feedback will answer the question — after all, it is definitely answerable and not NARQ because it has some code, and maybe even a problem statement (implied…), right?
We need to discourage low-quality content better by penalizing bad questions proactively and disincentivizing answering them. We already have a great machine learning algorithm to detect poor quality (as described in podcast #60) which can be used to deprioritize or hide questions from the front page, tag pages, or search pages. This (and not people as evidenced by the failed Triage Queue) can also be used to find good questions that can be polished (by people). The average question, especially if it is from a new user or determined to likely be low quality should not go straight to the front page and be shown to answerers. These should go to moderation queues to allow for improvement or acceptance to be added to the site. We also need to apply incentivization in the right place, so you shouldn't get 25 rep from OP (accept and upvote) by answering a closed and negatively voted-voted question. Answers should only be for high quality questions; answers to questions that are closed and downvoted should not get rep.
We need to make it easier to close and delete questions. Most questions with 3three closevotes should be closed. Since the Type 1 error of closing is miniscule and questions can easily be reopened, because the Type 2 error of closing is enormous (the closevote queue alone is probably at around 200k questions without the shrinking algorithm) the Type 1 error should be increased to increase the power of the test. Decreasing the amount of closevotes needed to close a question to 3 from 5 would make the closing system faster and more efficient without sacrificing much Type 1 error. After closing, we should facilitate question deletion by allowing low-rep (i.e. <10k rep) users to recommend deletion, similar to the current functionality in the Low Quality Review Queue. Currently they have no means to voice how a question should be deleted. This would also apply to answers.
We need these system changes to let Stack Overflow focus on quality, which is suffering, over quantity, which we have too much of. We need to decrease the amount of questions on the site by weeding out the ones we know are of poor quality and raising the bar of quality. This will allow the talented base of Stack ExhangeExchange answerers to focus on the high-quality questions that will benefit us all, not just their asker.
There's nothing wrong with beginner questions, but there are only a limited number of these possible for each technology so now most of them are duplicates. The root problem is not programersprogrammers, rather it is coders who can't debug their code. These users are abusing the site and bringing down the quality level, and are the ones that we should be targeting to disincintivize creating crap.