The user currently on top of your query has almost just as many helpful flags ('and counting' probably).
Votes on deleted posts do not count toward your daily maxVotes on deleted posts do not count toward your daily max.
I think it is very likely these 2 are related (in the context of getting more than 40 downvotes a day).
Automatic downvotes from flags like spam and rude/abusive are contributed to community-user,
BUT if you downvote something (that is/gets flagged for example NAA (optionally by you)) then that downvote is attributed to you.
This is not only for NAA but also for spam and rude/abusive (so yes, if you flag for example spam then the post gets -1 from community user and on top of that you can give it another -1 from yourself, totaling -2).
Now if such a post is deleted (usually due to a mod/review decision resulting from a flag) on the same day, then your vote is available to cast again (and you get your 1 rep back).
If one finds something worthy of flagging (as in: it's clear that it's so bad that the flag will surely be helpful) then the post clearly deserves to float to the bottom with your downvote (pending deletion). Such voting also (at least theoretically) helps the system evaluate how it 'trusts' the (new) user and there are also badges (like the 'well-received question'-series) related to that.
So such voting is not negative behavior but quite the opposite.
The 'down-side' is that although the rep and vote are returned to you (for such deleted posts as described above), the down-votes are still linked (and visible) to your account making such users seem like debby-downers, even tough they might have never ever downvoted anything that wasn't flagged-and-deleted cr*p.