SURPRISE! It turns out there are almost as many This activity is complete - hortonworks has been merged with hortonworks-data-platform related questions without the tag as with it! (See step 5, below.)
#Operation plan
Users with full editing privileges are invited to participate.
###In each step:
For efficiency, questions are being reviewed in "tiers", based on number of views. As tiers are completed review, update the "view" queries to facilitate focus on less-viewed "tiers".
Make any edits to improve questions, especially those that are unclear or borderline off-topic. (The Magic™ Editor can help with this!)
Questions that are closed as duplicates, but should be retained as markers, should be tagged hortonworks-data-platform, and hortonworks removed.
Any unredeemable questions should be left as-is, and voted for closure.
Here's an edit summary for convenience:
Cleaning up [hortonworks], see
If you've seen this summary on a question, and you have concerns, please post a comment here, or find me in chat.
✓ Update tag wikis & excerpts.
✓ Clean up 436 existing hortonworks-data-platform questions.
Relevant queries: All
- ✓ Remove hortonworks from 45 questions tagged with both, starting from highest-viewed. (This will most likely be accomplished during previous step.)
Relevant queries: All
- ✓ Retag 93 questions with hortonworks to hortonworks-data-platform. Remaining questions are targeted for closure and/deletion.
Relevant queries: All
- ✓ Review, and consider adding hortonworks-data-platform to 308 currently-untagged questions about the topic. Not all are about the topic, many just mention it. Add only where truly relevant.
Relevant queries: All
- ✓ Complete cleanup; close & delete unredeemable questions, confirm hortonworks burnination.
Close & Delete
This is a retagging effort, not a burnination, however many of the same activities apply. For the questions that cannot be edited into shape, cleanup will include closure and deletion.
Activity Close vote review queue.
Roomba eligible questions (monitor only);
261 Closed, score <=0, not dupe, not locked, no accepted or + scoring answers,680 Open, no answers, score < 0,482 Non-tagged/0-answer/neg-scoreQuestions requiring delete votes: 0 Accepted answers, 0 >0 score, 0 duplicates, 0 +scoring answers.