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As you already found, you can always revert edits that you disapprove of. If the same user keeps making these edits to the same post, you can flag for moderator attention - edit wars are not allowed.

But we should assume good faith from our editors. Many of them truly believe they are helping. The fact that there are approval-happy reviewers isn't helping, of course - if editors are rewarded with +2 rep for edits like these, the signal they are getting is "Hey, well done!" instead of "Sorry, no".

When an edit to your post is made, you get a notification in your inbox. As the author, you have a binding vote.
In this case, you only saw the edit after it was wrongfully approved, but if you had been there before the approval happened you could have vetoed the edit.

You can @-comment editors. The auto-complete does not work for people who edit, so it may be best to copy-paste the user name. In this case the user has a space in their username, which would be reason for me to use copy-paste. The editor may not respond immediately, of course. I believe that the two of you are in a different timezone, so don't expect an immediate response.

When contacting an editor, assume good faith and be nice. It's frustrating to see one's posts changed into something one doesn't agree with, but the editor is probably under the belief they are helping.

Regarding the review process, that has long been a topic of debate over here. The Suggested Edits review queue, to which you will gain access once you have 2000 points, has long suffered from people who are too happy to approve nearly everything. I have long ago proposed to have more types of audits in the Suggested Edits review queuemore types of audits in the Suggested Edits review queue, and I still believe this could drastically improve things.

On closing, reviewing can be a somewhat arbitrary process. If we could give rigid guidelines about what is and what isn't a good edit, we could automate the process. As it is, we have to resort to humans for reviewing.

As you already found, you can always revert edits that you disapprove of. If the same user keeps making these edits to the same post, you can flag for moderator attention - edit wars are not allowed.

But we should assume good faith from our editors. Many of them truly believe they are helping. The fact that there are approval-happy reviewers isn't helping, of course - if editors are rewarded with +2 rep for edits like these, the signal they are getting is "Hey, well done!" instead of "Sorry, no".

When an edit to your post is made, you get a notification in your inbox. As the author, you have a binding vote.
  In this case, you only saw the edit after it was wrongfully approved, but if you had been there before the approval happened you could have vetoed the edit.

You can @-comment editors. The auto-complete does not work for people who edit, so it may be best to copy-paste the user name. In this case the user has a space in their username, which would be reason for me to use copy-paste. The editor may not respond immediately, of course. I believe that the two of you are in a different timezone, so don't expect an immediate response.

When contacting an editor, assume good faith and be nice. It's frustrating to see one's posts changed into something one doesn't agree with, but the editor is probably under the belief they are helping.

Regarding the review process, that has long been a topic of debate over here. The Suggested Edits review queue, to which you will gain access once you have 2000 points, has long suffered from people who are too happy to approve nearly everything. I have long ago proposed to have more types of audits in the Suggested Edits review queue, and I still believe this could drastically improve things.

On closing, reviewing can be a somewhat arbitrary process. If we could give rigid guidelines about what is and what isn't a good edit, we could automate the process. As it is, we have to resort to humans for reviewing.

As you already found, you can always revert edits that you disapprove of. If the same user keeps making these edits to the same post, you can flag for moderator attention - edit wars are not allowed.

But we should assume good faith from our editors. Many of them truly believe they are helping. The fact that there are approval-happy reviewers isn't helping, of course - if editors are rewarded with +2 rep for edits like these, the signal they are getting is "Hey, well done!" instead of "Sorry, no".

When an edit to your post is made, you get a notification in your inbox. As the author, you have a binding vote. 
In this case, you only saw the edit after it was wrongfully approved, but if you had been there before the approval happened you could have vetoed the edit.

You can @-comment editors. The auto-complete does not work for people who edit, so it may be best to copy-paste the user name. In this case the user has a space in their username, which would be reason for me to use copy-paste. The editor may not respond immediately, of course. I believe that the two of you are in a different timezone, so don't expect an immediate response.

When contacting an editor, assume good faith and be nice. It's frustrating to see one's posts changed into something one doesn't agree with, but the editor is probably under the belief they are helping.

Regarding the review process, that has long been a topic of debate over here. The Suggested Edits review queue, to which you will gain access once you have 2000 points, has long suffered from people who are too happy to approve nearly everything. I have long ago proposed to have more types of audits in the Suggested Edits review queue, and I still believe this could drastically improve things.

On closing, reviewing can be a somewhat arbitrary process. If we could give rigid guidelines about what is and what isn't a good edit, we could automate the process. As it is, we have to resort to humans for reviewing.

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As you already found, you can always revert edits that you disapprove of. If the same user keeps making these edits to the same post, you can flag for moderator attention - edit wars are not allowed.

But we should assume good faith from our editors. Many of them truly believe they are helping. The fact that there are approval-happy reviewers isn't helping, of course - if editors are rewarded with +2 rep for edits like these, the signal they are getting is "Hey, well done!" instead of "Sorry, no".

When an edit to your post is made, you get a notification in your inbox. As the author, you have a binding vote.
In this case, you only saw the edit after it was wrongfully approved, but if you had been there before the approval happened you could have vetoed the edit.

You can @-comment editors. The auto-complete does not work for people who edit, so it may be best to copy-paste the user name. In this case the user has a space in their username, which would be reason for me to use copy-paste. The editor may not respond immediately, of course. I believe that the two of you are in a different timezone, so don't expect an immediate response.

When contacting an editor, assume good faith and be nice. It's frustrating to see one's posts changed into something one doesn't agree with, but the editor is probably under the belief they are helping.

Regarding the review process, that has long been a topic of debate over here. The Suggested Edits review queue, to which you will gain access once you have 2000 points, has long suffered from people who are too happy to approve nearly everything. I have long ago proposed to have more types of audits in the Suggested Edits review queue, and I still believe this could drastically improve things.

On closing, reviewing can be a somewhat arbitrary process. If we could give rigid guidelines about what is and what isn't a good edit, we could automate the process. As it is, we have to resort to humans for reviewing.