Since when are we on a path to abandon common sense and a sense of humor for the fear of possibly hurting someone's feelings?
Actually you are absolutely correct that users don't need to go out of their way to avoid stepping on toes. The current Be Nice policy, if anything, endorses your view:
Be welcoming and patient, especially with those who may not know everything you do. Oh, and bring your sense of humor.... In summary, have fun, and be good to each other.
The rest of the policy outlines guidelines for bebeing polite and respecting other users, but it does not claim you have to be a saint. Just that you should have some minimum level of respect for your fellow users, which most people in the SO community have. Wrongly branding someone as "intolerant/racist/sexist/etc" is, well, offensive and even actively harmful to their (actual) web reputation. So users also need to be careful in accusing other users of malicious intent, and that includes not trolling other users with frivolous and premature "this might offend someone" ivory tower standards.
Clearly rude material has no place on SO, but maybe, possibly off-color content doesn't need to be overmoderated. IMO, as long as users make an honest attempt to be polite and professional, any lingering "offensive" content can just be edited or removed as necessary. Edits, comments, and comment flags are usually sufficient in this regard.