I came across a proposèdproposed edit where the code (a SELECT
statement) is considered by editor to be incorrect so editor proposes changes in the code.
select * from db
cross join (select count(*) from db2) t1
cross join (select count(*) from db3) t2
would become
select * from db
cross join (select count(*) as total2 from db2) t1
cross join (select count(*) as totla3 from db3) t2
intuitivelyIntuitively, iI would tend to reject said edit because an incorrect answer should be indicated as such, IMO. i I.e., the editor should comment regarding incorrect syntax and propose a correct answer with reference to author of original answer.
isIs this the correct/ethical procedure to adopt?
NOTE: many posts address similar issues, but they to all seem to pertain to style, istyle; I could not find any question in MSO which addresses changes to correct an incorrect answer or malfunctioning snippet proposed by another author.