None1 .
Style discussions are generally prohibited everywhere2 (sites/real life) due to completely opinion based nature and being well known flame war topic.
If you are looking for "style to use in StackOveflow/Code Review questions" - code auto-formatted with defaults in any editor/beautifier supporting your language is fine. Any consistent style is ok.
Note that there are some cases where "formatting" is actually changes meaning of the code and forces particular style of some formatting - i.e. JavaScript almost universally uses Egyptian Brackets due to Automatic semicolon insertion & return statementsAutomatic semicolon insertion & return statements. While question about that type of style choices could be on-topic on SO ("is there any reason JavaScript prefers Egyptian Brackets") it is unlikely to be new question and will be closed as duplicate (with enough downvotes due to lack of research).
- 1 - Code Review may give formatting suggestions, but you must start with decent formatting. Discussing formatting options would be off-topic there.
- 2 - unless flame war or just pointless discussion is the goal - i.e. in a bar.