The following SEDE query (SEDE link) returns the top 100 unanswered, non-merged questions, ordered by their score divided by the square root of their age; this will favor high-score and new questions. You could tweak the exact weighting of those two terms to get different orderings.
SELECT TOP 100 q.Id as [Post Link], q.Score,
DATEDIFF(DAY, q.CreationDate, GETDATE()) AS Age,
q.Score/(SQRT(DATEDIFF(DAY, q.CreationDate, GETDATE())+1)) AS Immediacy FROM Posts q
LEFT OUTER JOIN Posts a on q.Id=a.ParentId
WHERE q.PostTypeId=1 AND a.Id IS NULL -- Unanswered question
AND NOT q.Id IN (SELECT ph.PostId FROM PostHistory ph WHERE ph.PostHistoryTypeId=37) -- Not merged
ORDER BY q.Score/(SQRT(DATEDIFF(DAY, q.CreationDate, GETDATE())+1)) DESC
The first few questions returned look promising:
- changing property masksToBounds in transform-only layer, will have no effect-> Xcode 7changing property masksToBounds in transform-only layer, will have no effect-> Xcode 7: Score 91, age 45 days, unanswered.
- Haskell threads heap overflow despite only 22Mb total memory usage?Haskell threads heap overflow despite only 22Mb total memory usage?: Score 77, age 89 days, unanswered.
One possible modification would be to limit to questions in tags where you are active, since you'll be more likely to know how to answer those questions.