StackOverflowStack Overflow has helped me from where I started in school to where I'm at now as a software consultant. I can't imagine how many hours I would have otherwise spent searching for resolutions to any number of problems I've encountered. Instead there has been so many times where I've come over to StackOverflowStack Overflow and found an answer in minutes. But finding an answer isn't all that great if you don't learn from it, and with StackOverflowStack Overflow so many people give not just the answer, but they include a great explanation as to why that is the correct answer or why the issue came up to begin with.
I remember yesterday I was working on an issue with a "help" modal not displaying the "X" to close out the modal in the top right corner. I had been searching my code for what I considered to be quite a while... a simple google search lead me to StackOverflowStack Overflow where I quickly found out it was an issue with jQuery-UIjQuery-UI and BootstrapBootstrap conflicting with one another. I could have spent days trying to figure this out and how to fix it, but StackOverflowStack Overflow lead me to the answer in just minutes. I was able to also learn why it was conflicting and how to try and prevent such an issue in the future.
I know that I'm not alone when I say that StackOverflowStack Overflow saves so much frustration and time. It's a great resource for any developer hoping to expand on their knowledge, learn something new, get a problem resolved, or learn the basic processes of software development for beginners. I started developing as a young kid long before there was StackOverflowStack Overflow, and internetInternet forums were really my only resource - and at that time even those were scarce. Fast forward today so much of that hopping around from one forum to another is gone because of StackOverflowStack Overflow. It's my one stop-stop shop, and I really can't stress enough how vital that is to new and old developers as a way of sharing information with the rest of the world rather than looking through forum after forum and hoping to find something worth while that is still relevant.
With all that being said... Thank you SOmuch much!!