How do I earn reputation with topics? Will my "answer" get upvotes?
Answers to Q&A questions often overlap one anotherOn second look, and the most thorough and correct answer tends to be get the most upvotes. But that doesn't meanit seems that the most upvoted question contains all of the information needed by everyone. This is already an issue with some very specific questions, andreputation will only be compounded by the very "general" nature of a "topic". It'd more important than ever for the community to collaborate and create a single source of truth, like a wiki answer,earned via "contributions" rather than 30 answers that mostly repeat one another, forcing visitors to read through many posts to find their use-case.
But users don't earn reputation from wiki answers.
So back to the question Sounds interesting... how do I earn reputation? And if I don't, then why am I spending time working on documentation when I could be getting rep (and warm fuzzies) by answer questions?can't wait to hear more details.
Answers to Q&A questions often overlap one another, and the most thorough and correct answer tends to be get the most upvotes. But that doesn't mean that the most upvoted question contains all of the information needed by everyone. This is already an issue with some very specific questions, and will only be compounded by the very "general" nature of a "topic". It'd more important than ever for the community to collaborate and create a single source of truth, like a wiki answer, rather than 30 answers that mostly repeat one another, forcing visitors to read through many posts to find their use-case.
But users don't earn reputation from wiki answers.
So back to the question... how do I earn reputation? And if I don't, then why am I spending time working on documentation when I could be getting rep (and warm fuzzies) by answering questions?