Make sure that this was a first-time offense and not pattern that indicates willful abuse of S.O. Also confirm that it's truly a question of proprietary code, rather than someone who got help with homework and simply wants to remove traces of the fact that they cheated.
Edit the proprietary content out of the question, while still providing enough context for the several good answers to still make sense. Review answers for any that may have incidentally repeated the proprietary information and remove any of that information there, too.
Delete revision history so any traces of the proprietary code is removed from S.O.
Leave comment regarding the removal of proprietary information and reminder of the cc by-sa 3.0 with attribution requiredattribution required license of S.O. so they don't do it again.
Remind the user that despite what we do on S.O. the content may have been picked up by any of the third-party engines and let them know that is outside of the control of S.O.
replaced with
replaced with