My personal bet would be on:
#Friday, October 2nd, 16:45:58 UTC
Friday, October 2nd, 16:45:58 UTC
That's trying to account for:
- The relative decrease in traffic during July and August,
- The natural decay of questions, manually or automatically initiated (the roomba does not take holidays),
- The crapstorm that will hit us in September, with a fresh batch of developers-in-learning asking us how to print an integer in C (hopefully those questions should be deleted as they arrive, although the duplicate effect may soften this),
- Possibly, the other kind of crapstorm that will hit Europe real soon now (and then most of us living there will be rushing to the bank to try and withdraw our now-worthless assets instead of posting on SO).
I took these factors, added four, multiplied by two (my usual time-to-milestone estimation algorithm), and got somewhere around the beginning of October, which matches the fifth anniversary of my joining the site quite well. So I chose that and left the rest to karma.