I would also like to see some standard way of closing clueless questions, especially when the question is basically, "I don't have a clue where to start. Please help."
I found this thread after seeing this questionthis question. Hovercraft Full Of Eels left a very nice comment for OP explaining how to get a clue. While it was more work on Hovercraft's part than the question deserved, this kind of guidance to new users is, I think, quite helpful in improving their future contributions (if any) to SO.
I don't think the stock close reasons of "too broad" or "unclear what you're asking" do the job. They leave OP with no clue—not only regarding their original problem but now also about what exactly was wrong with their question. A generic close reason (perhaps a variant of "too broad") along the lines of "break down your problem into pieces, try something, and then if you're still stuck post a question about something specific" (patterned after Hovercraft's comment) would, I think, be in order. Perhaps it could also include a polite version of RTFM.