The current tag info for il:
IL (Intermediate Language) is low level language used by Microsoft .NET Framework and Mono.
Common Intermediate Language (CIL, pronounced either "sil" or "kil") (formerly called Microsoft Intermediate Language or MSIL) is the lowest-level human-readable programming language defined by the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) specification and is used by the .NET Framework and Mono.
This really looks like they refer to the same thing, and as 'il'il has lessfewer tagged questions and less infoinformation, I propose to make it a synonym for 'cil'of cil.
Edit: There is also intermediate-language, which represents any intermediate language:
An intermediate language, in compiler design, is a low-level language that typically resembles an idealized assembly language, often a textual representation of bytecode for a virtual machine. For .NET's CIL, use the [cil] tag.
Edit #2:
There's only one vote left on the synonym page. Please vote!
Edit #3:
The synonym was finally approved. Thank you for all your support!