This is indeed a much bigger problem than comment-free downvotes, and I'm glad someone has finally decided to break the silence.
For reference, here are stats for the past 90 days on comments when voting:
Name PctCommented
------- ------------
UpMod 11.28 %
DownMod 27.90 %
That's the % of votes coupled with comments from the voter. Clearly, we have a problem.
...But there's an even bigger problem. As jonrsharpe notesAs jonrsharpe notes,
Whenever I see questions where
upvotes + downvotes != views
I find myself wishing every single person had explained why they did(n't do) what they did(n't do).
For the same 90 day period, a whopping 99.95% of views were recorded with no corresponding votes or comments.
Yeah. Kinda makes all these meta questions complaining about comment-free votes look pretty pathetic, eh? Here we have noticeable percentages of both up- and down-voters taking time out of their busy lives to leave comments, only to get criticized here for not doing more... while the biggest slackers of them all, the readers, get off scot-free.
I hereby declare a moratorium on all further discussion of voter comment encouragement, until such a time as we can solve the lazy reader problem. Open to any and all suggestions, particularly those technical solutions involving forged iron restraints.