Comments should be used for the following (non-exhaustive list of) reasons:
- Request clarification from the poster.
- Highlight possible issues with the post where you're not confident enough to make the edit yourself.
- Helpful links to the relevant documentation that probably don't answer the question but might be useful.
i.e. helpful stuff
What they shouldn't be used for is comments like:
- "thanks"
- "me too"
- "this should be the accepted answer"
- "great answer"
- "this answer is wrong"
- non-documentation links of any kind (reaction gifs being just one type)
There's enough noise on Stack Overflow without people adding to it.
If you see comments like these then please flag them as "too chatty" or "not constructive" - which is what happened here, someone flagged your comment. If they get enough flags they'll be automatically removed, or if a moderator's clearing the comment flags they'll more than likely get deleted.
The fact that people upvoted your comment should not be taken as meaning that the site as a whole approves of it.