I don't want to say any layout is better than the other one, but there are a few things I'd like to have changed on the new layout:
Why is there so many space? For example here in the StackSnippet, I don't need that big buttons: On the old layout, the buttons were smaller, but there was very much useless padding, and there is even much padding left: And this is for most buttons here so, for example, the one to upload an image is equivalent, but the button to post an answer has a much smaller text size in it. Please don't make the buttons look so different.
The new tags look very ugly. This is just a very very light gray box with a very very small border around it (except for required or mod-only tags like discussion or featured):
The border when posting an answer doesn't have any effect on pictures. The worse thing is that this is still like that after I posted my answer!!! Here is an example from my answer: Please note that the images are all wrongly assigned the same way, so there must be an invisible border right to the visible border where the images are shrinked as they probably should.
As already mentioned by many other answers, I really dislike the new vote layout. Please use the old one again, I really liked the vote images on the old layout
I really dislike the new StackOverflowStack Overflow logo. The old one looked so much better than the new one:
The comment post box is very much too big, and has too much padding:
The new layout looks to much like Windows 8 to me. But I'm sure you can improve it so that it doesn't always remind me on that blodybloody OS.
I use Mozilla SeaMonkeySeaMonkey on Debian K-WheezyDebian K-Wheezy.