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Timeline for Mega-High Rep, 1 Question

Current License: CC BY-SA 3.0

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Oct 7, 2014 at 15:46 comment added Chris Marshall Gotcha. Thanks for this, BTW. Also BTW: I was being a bit snarky. It may seem that way to folks that have asked a total of one question in their tenure here, but I am CONSTANTLY pushing the limits, and you can't help but generate questions when you are into something new every other day.
Oct 7, 2014 at 15:12 comment added user1228 Don't be like a manky router in promiscuous mode, sparky.
Oct 7, 2014 at 3:16 comment added Patricia Shanahan Different people participate in SO for different reasons. I am retired, but happen to like answering technical questions as a hobby. If I have a question of my own, I can afford to spend a week researching and experimenting, so I usually find an answer myself. That results in hundreds of answers and a couple of questions.
Oct 7, 2014 at 2:28 history edited AstroCB
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Oct 7, 2014 at 2:14 answer added user229044Mod timeline score: 20
Oct 7, 2014 at 0:54 comment added Chris Marshall Got it, but one of the reasons that I ask here, is that I am usually working on a schedule, and if I can find the answer in a timely fashion, I do. I can usually find the answer to an issue, but it may not be "timely." My workflow here, is first I do my best to find the answer on my own, then I Google it, which usually ends up giving me SO questions, then I see if any of them are relevant, then, if not, I start typing in a question, and see if answers pop up. If not, I post the question. I'm not especially worried about what y'all think of me. I'm good at this gig, but I can always do better.
Oct 7, 2014 at 0:52 comment added Michael Berkowski I have asked just a handful of questions in my career. However, I have started to ask many more, but as @Louis alluded, I discovered the answer in the process of asking. It's a form of rubber duck debugging
Oct 7, 2014 at 0:51 comment added Michael Berkowski @MAGSHARE For a long time, hardly anyone ever voted on questions, and votes were very disproportionately awarded to answers (that's the reason it doesn't cost the voter -1 to downvote questions anymore). But the high-rep users are often very skilled developers and skilled communicators. We take pleasure in answering and just may not that often have questions of our own to ask.
Oct 7, 2014 at 0:50 comment added Louis I don't have staggeringly high rep, but if you look at my profile, you'll see just one question. One reason for this is that I search and research to hell and back before I even consider posting a question. And usually I find my answer without having to post a question. So I tend to post answers, not questions. I can imagine I'm not alone in this.
Oct 7, 2014 at 0:48 comment added Chris Marshall That's interesting, as I suspect the lion's share of my SO points have been from people upvoting the questions, and my answers (which are often very good ones -polishes fingernails on lapel) seldom get any votes at all, usually because I tend to answer not-so-fresh questions.
Oct 7, 2014 at 0:46 comment added Mysticial Other way around: You don't get penalized for asking questions (unless of course if the question sucks). Instead, it's the answers that are rewarded more.
Oct 7, 2014 at 0:42 history asked Chris Marshall CC BY-SA 3.0