Looking good. One little annoyance (and this is something that always bugs me with JSFiddle, too):
The auto-indenting feature over-rides the correct indentation pattern for multi-line function chains in Javascript.
E.g., when I type the followingtype the following:
var td = tr.selectAll("td")
.data(function(d,i){ return d3.range(0,255); });
As soon as I type a {
, the second line gets pushed flush-left. I fix it, and then get to the }
, and it happens again. Urgh.
This is a common code pattern in d3 and JQuery, so it would be nice if the auto-indenting algorithm recognized that a line starting with .
is a wrap-around from the previous line, and should be indented.
Of course, how much it should be indented is a matter of debate; some people always use a standard two-space indent, I tend to align it with a .
on the previous line. Mike Bostock's introduction to d3 advises:
The recommended indentation pattern for method chaining is four spaces for methods that preserve the current selection and two spaces for methods that change the selection.
...which isn't exactly something a general purpose code-tidying algorithm is going to determine. Can you instead just turn off the auto-indenting function for lines that start with .