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Aug 25, 2014 at 8:12 comment added Sylvain Leroux @CodyGray Maybe this is only a coincidence: but I really feel like votes on MSO are more "balanced" (i.e.: a mix of up- and down-votes) than on the main site, where votes <strike>tends</strike> seems to be more uniform (only up- or only down-votes). Still about my "feeling", I think that votes on MSO are really a way to tell "I agree/I don't agree", whereas is SO votes are more often "value-judgments" based on the post quality (on the occasion triggering an "emotional reaction" from the poster). But maybe you are right, this is only the "number effect" that distorts my perceptions...
Aug 25, 2014 at 7:26 comment added Cody Gray Mod Part of the reason that it works better is because Meta is smaller—in terms of question volume, that is. I can log in every day or so for an hour or two and read/interact with all of the questions. That's impossible on Stack Overflow, even when I just monitor a dozen tags or so. It's the same reason that local democratic governments are often more effective (at being democratic) than federal democratic governments.
Aug 24, 2014 at 18:43 history answered Sylvain Leroux CC BY-SA 3.0